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Diagnostic Testing

Check engine light come on? No problem. 


Battery Change

Slow crank, or no crank at all? Don't get stranded, give me a call!


Oil Changes/ Tire Rotations

A few miles past due, nearly time for an oil change but no time to get to a shop? 


General Maintenance

Wipers streaky? Bulbs burnt out? Don't forget the engine and cabin filters.


Brakes and Suspension

Hearing that squeal or is the ride a little bouncy? May be time for new brakes or suspension services.


Engine Repairs

Car overheating, stalling or misfiring? Belt Squealing? Engine components could need repair. 


Servicing within 25 miles of Lyman, SC 


$100/hour flat rate* for labor and diagnostics


Additional taxes and fees may be included and will be added to estimates


All repairs outside of service range are subject to additional service fees and will be included in estimates. Services may not be available if outside of service range-


Estimates for repairs are only valid for 30 days


*Time calculated for flat rates are based off of industry standards provided by Identifix



Need One Of Them? Give Me a Call Now!

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